Hailey Holder Allen (H2) was diagnosed with cancer on May 16th, 2019. Her fight began with a biopsy turned surgery in which doctors removed a large malignant tumor from her left thigh. Doctors have diagnosed her specific condition as stage IV Aveolar rhabdomyosarcoma.
Over the coming year+ H2 will endure 56 weeks of inpatient chemotherapy, radiation at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, as well as have at least 1 more operation on her right leg to assess the smaller tumors there. This will be a tough battle for her small body, but we know that her size does not represent her tremendous strength!
We are devastated but prepared to fight for Hailey Holder's future. Please continuously pray for and support H2 and her family.
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This page is managed by extended family of the Allen family with their consent.